Lighthouse Library International is described as a Treasury of Christian Writings...and it has what appears to be somewhere around 4500 articles. You can search by author, article, Bible study, poems, songs, books, letters. It seems to have a universalist slant...including authors such as AP Adams, Ray Prinzing, Charlie Slagle, Preston Eby, AE Knoch, Hannah Whitehall Smith. I came upon it purely by my weekend web journeys and when I checked out the "about us" section I've copied and pasted below, I was surprised to find that it is owned by Sunny Orly Coffman who is the author of the article I mentioned in my last post. That is kind of weird..perhaps a bit beyond circumstantial. Serendipity?
Lighthouse Library, Int'l. website was created as a depository of writings brought forth through writers from all over the globe. They all have one common denominator: as they have sailed on the sea of life, they have all been brought into a personal relationship with their Captain. It is through the journeys that each have come - their personal telling of victories won and peace achieved in the many areas of their lives - that we trust you can gain comfort, strength, and inspiration. As you browse this site, we ask that you be led to the very writing that will touch you at your point of need.
This picture is on both of the websites I visited. They look like such a nice couple, don't they?
It is a valuable resource to have many well known UR writers listed in one place (and not just links to their writings but the actual writings...available in html or pdf versions) There are a few notable exceptions...such as Jeff Priddy/Martin Zender, L.Ray Smith and even Mr. UR himself, Gary Amirault. Hmmmm. Perhaps this is a site still in progress. Perhaps it is an oversight. Perhaps they don't agree with the caustic style of writing. Thanks Roger and Sunny for this great site which obviously involved untold hours of work to put online.