A while back, I read the following snippet on Oprah's website, on the A New Earth Message Board.
remember: the body, the inner body LOVES attention and so does the predatory needy mind. Starve the mind and enhance the inner body
This reminded me of a poem I associate with Ray Prinzing. I'm not sure if he was the original author or if he just repeated it. I can't even remember if I heard it on one of his taped sermons or if I read it somewhere in one of his many writings.
"Two natures beat within my chest, one is cursed, one is blessed, one I love, one I hate, the one I feed will dominate."
And I came across the following in my NLT New Believers Bible that I bought shortly after becoming a Christian. The quote stuck with me....although I have pretty much ditched most of the other theological commentary throughout the Bible. VERY Fundie stiff:
An American Indian elder described his own inner struggles this way: "Inside of me there two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog all the time." When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied, "The one I feed the most."
On a side note, a month or so ago, Keith and I watched a video sermon by Preston Eby. I find it ironic that the more I understand Eckhart's teachings, the more I appreciate what Eby has to say. Eby definitely puts a very Christian slant on things but there is so much similarity in what they teach. I think you could find many excerpts from both of their writings that match just about word for word, concept for concept. Eby talks Christianese...Eckhart speaks "new age", but the concepts are the same. Digressing again....I don't remember a lot of the details of what he said in the sermon but I did jot down on this draft post version, here in the queue that he talked a lot about mankind being lowered into this realm. Because of our lowering into the natural, we know how to be adam. We must learn by experience to unveil Christ. To "learn Christ." To be Christ.
Eby believes that we pre-existed with God before being lowered into this realm. (I think I do too) He mentioned a verse that had confused him somewhat because it seems to state the opposite. The verse was 1 Corinthians 15:46.
Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.
Or as the Message succinctly expresses it:
Physical life comes first, then spiritual--
His conclusion...the verse, taken in context, is talking about this realm...this realm of "form" as Eckhart refers to it...and the timeline of events here in the physical realm. First the natural--creation is subjected to futility...the fall....the lowering of our spirits into these earthen vessels. THEN the spiritual. Makes sense to me.
And speaking of Preston Eby, I read a really good article of his last night, a new article called The Seed In Every Man. I am going to go back and reread it today because there are many verses of scripture that he makes note of that Biblically confirms this teaching....and fits very neatly alongside what Eckhart has to say. I also like to read this teaching from a Christian perspective. I'm not sure why the words of Eckhart (self described as "not a Christian") brought this to life for me....but as my friend, annie says, if God can speak through Balaam's ass there is no limit to the venues he can use to teach us. Let me be clear...I am not disparaging Eckhart with that remark...just pointing out that God uses whatever he chooses, whenever he chooses, however he chooses to teach us.....but we have to be willing to look outside the walls of the box we've put Him in.