Another school shooting. Parkland, Florida. 17 dead. And again we go through the cycle. No guns vs more guns. Arm all the teachers (really? They can't even get adequate school supplies) Confiscate all the guns like Australia and Britain did (in MAGA America? Sure, like that is going to happen)
Being a pick and choose, middle of the road moderate/independent, free thinker, I really don't fit anywhere (least of all my own home but that is another story for another day) Here is a link to a (imo) balanced article that discusses ways to move the needle without employing an either/or, all or nothing mentality. There really are some common sense bipartisan measures we can enact that will potentially move the needle in the right direction. 5 things America can do today to reduce gun deaths
Shep Smith is one of the few on Fox News whose head is not buried shoulder deep in partisan sand bullshit. In one segment of his show the day after the shooting he listed the 25 fatal school shootings since Columbine. He pointed out that this does not happen other countries. In another segment he made a plea for the United States to come together, put partisanship aside...and gather our best and brightest to figure this out.
Of course, this would be more feasible if the NRA did not consistently block research by purchasing politicians who remove funding into the why's and how's of gun violence (murders and suicides)
Check out his video here.