...Bear with me, my mind is going a hundred miles an hour. I've been reading at several places lately. Among them are are Gary Sigler's site and his message board, (Heart to Heart), a site called Stones of Fire with the writings of the recently deceased Floyd Watson, a writing by Tony Salmon that I stumbled upon via google on a site called Koinonia and a bunch of other cyber hits here and there. The sites are all written from a Christ in you, Christ as you, mistaken identity kind of perspective. They are all from a "Christian" paradigm. I really don't know where this is going or even how to begin to organize the thoughts and ideas whirling though my head. Snippets here, snippets there...oh this would be cool to write about...and this...and this....oh and this too!!!! Yes...Keith told me about this a long time ago (was not ready to hear it then) Oh...I heard so and so preach about this...YES!! That is what God said to me last night as I read the Bible. Geeez. Talk about sensory overload!!
So anyway...where to begin. Well, one thing I saw mentioned on several of the sites was this energy slowed down thing.
In his essay The Forbidden Tree, Tony Salmon talks about Adam being "slowered." That term is kind of catchy, don't ya' think? It deals with energy and vibrations...being slowed down enough to plunge our spiritual being into this physical realm. Tony Salmon says it this way:
Adam was LOWERED into this dense world of time, space, and matter. Literally, he was SLOWERED into this realm. The spirit-energy of Adam's light being began vibrating on a lower frequency in order for Adam to appear in physical form. God tells Adam NOT to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and that in the day he did eat from it, he would die. God in essence is saying, "Adam, you have always been 'luciferic' in nature - you have always been a being of light - completely one with Me. Now I AM going to experience a new dimension, I AM going to lower Myself in you, as you, and become part of a strange and different environment known as time and space. This will be a journey into a far country, foreign to anything you have ever experienced. I will give you an inheritance for this journey, a terrestrial body that will be suited for this journey. This experience will be so different that you will imagine that I have abandoned you, but this I could never do, for you are Me, and I AM you. I will be hiding within your vessel until the memory returns of who it is that you are, and where you came from. And Adam, you must never view what you experience in that far country as good and evil because knowledge of good and evil will kill you."
My friend annie talks about "the infinite individualized as us." Okay. Lynn Hiles, who is a bit more of a traditional finished work of the cross traveling ministry from West Virginia, envisions God "high five-ing" him and saying, "Boy did I ever have a hoot in your body." Or as Tony Salmon says above...
I AM going to lower Myself in you, as you, and become part of a strange and different environment known as time and space.
An article on the Stones of Fire website (written by
Allan Dinall
Albert Einstein saw this in his equation E=mc2. We are all energy slowed down to become visible but if sped up times the speed light, times the speed of light we become pure light or energy again. The Bible calls it the temporal realm, which is things that are seen are not eternal but the things that are not seen are eternal. James 1: 17 says, "He is the Father of LIGHTS."
And in another writing called, "A Letter To My Children" he says:
There was a time when man was pure, spiritual being, when he lived entirely from within himself, when his thoughts always remained at the center of his being, and life flowed out from within---ideas came from within, means of action came from within, and whenever there was an apparent need, all that he had to do was to close his eyes, go within, and let it come forth into expression.” Now we must find again our source of life…IT IS WITHIN where we find the garden of Life our peace, our joy, our strength, our happiness and out true life. It’s called the Kingdom of God.
Floyd Watson seems to think we were lowered into this realm to learn
..... we ALL are spirits having a human experience.
The thing that this life is about is the development of our consciousness….that’s why we are here. Earth is but a speck of dust cast on the wings on the Milky Way galaxy which is just one of millions of galaxies. So we see this earth life is but a school to learn.