Saturday, November 22, 2008

Blue Christian on a Red Background

Another blog you might want to check out...also written by a self described evangelical is Blue Christian on a Red Background.  But he is not your average evangelical.  As I was looking through some of his archives, he had harsh, harsh words...and well deserved for sure, for Ann Coulter and her "fag" remark...about John Edwards.  This was back in March of 2007 (sometimes I run across stuff in my meanderings in cyber space that I missed the first time around :)The next day she spoke at the "Reclaiming America For Christ Conference." 

He also had harsh words for James Dobson...and his "Letter from 2012 in Obama's America"  What a bunch of nonsense.  Blue Christian correctly identifies it as such...and refers to Dobson as 
"The Prophet of Pretend" in this very thorough critique of the "letter."  Although Blue Christian personally believes the Bible speaks against homosexuality, he gets down right worked up over some of Dobson's points about gays.  He sums his post up by saying:

We are required to bear witness to biblical ideals regarding sexuality, whether addressing homosexuality or America's norms re heterosexuality. But doing so, with great care and meekness and humility while admitting we too struggle with sexuality, is far different than Dr. Dobson's shrill, illogical, and immoral (yes indeed!) attack on our neighbors. I personally repudiate Dr. Dobson or Focus on the Family as representing the Christian Faith I believe in.
And it makes me extremely sad, not glad, to say so.

Yep, I have to agree...the whole letter is pretty sad and panders to the fear evangelical Christians have that once you let the liberals get a foothold..well, you know, the whole country will go to hell.  People will be marrying their dogs, there will be no guns, the gays will have taken over and will have converted all the straight boy scouts to little gay clones of themselves.  Please....


Sue said...

No guns? Wow, how totally unchristian!!!

Seriously, if those people could see what a bad name they have given God throughout the WHOLE GODDAMN WORLD they would maybe reexamine some of their stuff.

Sorry, that's very critical and judgmntal of me. I'm doing what Dobson is doing with gays, with evangelicals, aren't I?


Mark Scheiderer said... has all the info you need to know about Jon Trott's "intentional community", JPUSA.

Mark Scheiderer said...
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