Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Just Who Was Jesus Referring To?

On EU we have a diverse group.  Many of us tend to lean toward the liberal end of the scale...but there are some who lean the other way.  Recently, someone mentioned a couple who donated their life savings (40,000 or 50,000 dollars) to Proposition 8 in California, the huge initiative to ban gay marriage.  It was successful.  She wanted to know what we thought about the donation. 

The first thing that came to  my mind was the verse proclaiming "Lord, we cast out demons in your name, prophesied in your name, and performed many miracles in your name, didn't we?'

And I posted that I wondered if perhaps that couple might be among those to whom Jesus Jesus proclaims...depart from me...I never knew.  Someone on the list deemed my response judgmental.  Perhaps it was.  But just who is Jesus talking about here?  It seems to be those who thought they were doing God's work...casting out demons, prophesy....stopping the gay agenda?  Sounds kind of 700 Club to me?  And backing the 700 Club are staunch, fundamental Christians. 

If I believe in tolerance, then among those I must learn to tolerate are self righteous fundamentalist Christians.  I admit I have a problem with that and perhaps I am getting the beam and the speck mixed up....choosing not to see the beam in my eye but focusing the on the speck in their eyes.  BUT...I think they get the beams and the specks mixed up as well.  I guess my biggest beef with them is that they expect (and some militantly so) to force everyone to live by their view of what the Bible says is right and what the Bible says is wrong. 

To me, in the scene of the woman caught in the act of adultery, they are the ones holding the rocks.  All present, with the exception of Jesus, were sinners..yet, I imagine it was the fundies of the day who were holding the rocks.  And in my mind's eye...I see all the outcasts there on the ground...gays, prostitutes, druggies...drunkards....bums....and I see Jesus saying....He who is without sin...go ahead....wing that first stone....

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