Monday, November 22, 2010

No Clean Hands – about this world domination thing….

It is not Islam that is the problem.  It is not Christianity that is the problem.  The problem is the carnal mind/egoic mind or in Islam…the nafs… that perverts and selfishly tries to make itself the king of the universe. The egoic mind with its propensity to covet what the other guy has.  And “other” is the key word there.  The carnal mind is oh so ready to deem someone “other.”  Not one of us.  One of “them”…ewwwwww.  And once someone is so deemed it is infinitely easier to distance ourselves from their humanity.  Which is one short step away from declaring them not only “other” but also “enemy.”  Running late….more to come….


kc bob said...

I think that one of the issues is the dogmatic black/white narrow thinking that many religious fundamentalists embrace.

Rhonda said...

Is it possible for those who expand their consciousness--to then deem "others" as "other" because they haven't yet reached that same state of consciousness? And point at those who are "ego-driven" as opposed to those with Christ Consciousness?

Is Sharia Law a state of expanded consciousness? Should it become integrated into America's laws? Should an "honor killing" or execution of a homosexual be allowed in America, if Sharia law dictates it?

These are questions I have. :)

And bless you, Sis Cindi for bringing this discussion on the table; like you, I think its very important for all of us to talk about and try to understand. --rhonda

Cindi said...


I agree...


Cindi said...

I think those whose consciousness is truly expanded stop seeing others as "other." I am certainly not there..but I guess being aware of it is a step in the process toward oneness. At least I hope so. In the meantime...truly, there are people I have no desire to be one with. Those who want to impose Sharia law on others are at the top of the list. Also at the top of the list are those who want to impose Biblical law on others. I've been reading lately about Christian Reconstructionists, Dominionism, Theocracy, Theonomy. Very disturbing stuff.

It is not just fundamental Islam that wants strict laws for what they deem offenses and deviation from the law of their holy book.

I guess it is only via the power of the Holy Spirit that we can hope to live out the summation of the law Jesus declared. Love the Lord God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength...and love your neighbor as yourself.

Those who want to impose Sharia law...or Christian law...on others, seem to me to be living out of their adamic/egoic/carnal/mimetic nature.


Rhonda said...

I agree with you, Cindi. :)

I think that when people come out of Fundamentalist Christianity, with such good reason, what often happens is; they become just as Fundamentalist against the Fundamentalist Christianity they came out of; naming it now as the "enemy"; the root of all evil.

In a recent discussion in regard to homosexuality, those who defended homosexuals; and spoke of loving all in the Church, became just as angry and hateful toward the Fundy's as the Fundy's who were against homosexuals.

I think the reasons for this: 1) the anger people feel toward the Religious System that they came out of hasn't yet had enough time to be dealt with 2) when speaking to Fundy Christians they see their former "selves" being mirrored and reflected back to them and that's too much to take 3) so the Fundy mindset is still in tact; its just now directed at something different than before.

So while expanding the heart in love to include homosexuals as brothers, and people of other faiths and religions; (which is very good, of course) they now reserve their anger and disgust for the thing they once were. The anger and disgust (sometimes even hatred) hasn't left the heart, its target, the "enemy" has just been changed and 4) Political propoganda that would like to influence "who" our enemy is, and who the "good guys are" for political gain.

Iow, could it be that both sides, or if there are more than 2 sides; all sides are a slice of the same big pie that keep people "at war" with one another? That its the same societal "consciousness" in different sets of clothing? Is the conflict in the heart, in the mind; and that of course then is projected outward, supporting, feeding and therefore keeping alive the social consciousness? :)


kc bob said...

Good stuff Rhonda! I have sometimes tried to show this to folks and have encountered anger when I point out that the dogmatism on one side is not too much different than the other. For me, I think that life is in all of the grays and colors in life and not the black and whites.

Cindi said...

It is a fine line...narrow distinction...but so many times it seems to me the fundies are trying to malign another the ill will displayed towards gays. I was never ensnared in the church system...was never a fundie. Never even close so while I agree your reasons are valid in some cases, it is not true in my case. And I really don't get all ticked off at their beliefs. I don't care what they preach at the Assemblies of God Church down the street until they try to impose those beliefs on others outside the church. When I see them try to take away the civil rights of groups of people because of their narrow interpretation of scripture, well that's a game changer. Now it is most often displayed towards gays but in the past the "fundies" narrow interpretation justified slavery and keeping women "in their places." It was people speaking out against these things that caused them to eventually change. I don't have all the answers for sure. I probably don't even have a clear grasp of all the questions. Lines and distinctions blur and are difficult to actually explain.


Cindi said...

Oh...and rhonda...thanks for taking the time to write insightful comments here. I always appreciate when someone takes the time to do so.


You too, Bob!!!