Sunday, October 21, 2018

The violent left? The uncivil left? The unhinged left? The militant left?

I am getting really tired of the narrative that only the left is violent (or at least much more violent than the right) Fox News plays on my TV at home a lot, and definitely not by my choice. That is one of the dominant narratives on Fox. The violent left. The uncivil left. The unhinged left. The militant left. Laura, Sean, Tucker, Judge Jeannine, and even guests like the paragon of civility himself, Rush Limbaugh, all promote that view of the left. Recently a video made the viral rounds on social media, the Proud Boys beating the crap out of someone on the streets of New York. Fox’s spin...totally the fault of the left. 

My understanding is that the antifa did vandalize (as in graffiti type vandalism) the facility where the Proud Boys were scheduled to meet so they were not innocent either. It did not prevent the meeting from taking place.  

But please take a look at this video compilation of the excerpts spouted off by the founder and main man of the Proud Boys and decide for yourself if this guy is looking for a fight or is just innocently going about his business but has to defend himself from the violent left (who are alternately referred to as wussy snowflakes when that storyline works better to diss the left ) 

And while we are on the subject, how about this article about the first black (female, too) representative from Vermont who recently resigned because of death threats and intimidation. Not just aimed at her, I might add, but directed toward her family as well. 

I could go on and on because the news of the day and my Facebook feed provides example after example of the right behaving badly, sometimes violently, but my friends and family on the right have the “does not fit the narrative“ filter turned on. It screens these inconvenient stories so they can continue to exonerate the right and vindicate the left without batting an eye. 

And just a side note, while defending the Proud Boys and blaming the violent left, Sean Hannity lied about knowing anything about the group. I know, gasp, right? Sean telling a fib...! The founder was reportedly on his show 24 times. Slipped his mind, I guess.

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