Saturday, May 19, 2007

You become like the God you worship……

I’ve heard it said that you become like the God you worship. I wish. I am nothing like the God I worship…..the one who showed himself in Jesus. The God of LOVE in whom there is no darkness….AT ALL. The turn the other cheek, carry the pack the extra mile, love your enemies God. That is not me. As I learn about the theology of peace….peace churches….Christian non violence, I realize how far from that I am. Granted, I do not pull out my submachine gun and open fire…..but I can do a pretty good job of shooting off my mouth. And I do…..and I commit small acts of violence every day. The sin is in the heart as much as in the action. Perhaps the realization of this is the first step toward a change of heart.


Unknown said...

Ezekiel 18: 20 The soul who sins is the one who will die. The son will not share the guilt of the father, nor will the father share the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous man will be credited to him, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against him.

21 "But if a wicked man turns away from all the sins he has committed and keeps all my decrees and does what is just and right, he will surely live; he will not die. 22 None of the offenses he has committed will be remembered against him. Because of the righteous things he has done, he will live. 23 Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? declares the Sovereign LORD. Rather, am I not pleased when they turn from their ways and live?


God KNOWS that we are imperfect, because he created us that way. He didn't create us as angels. We are humans with free will, capable in doing both good and evil. God wants us to repent of our sins as soon as we realize, and try to do good things as much as we can. It is that simple. NO sacrifice is necessary. God is the most merciful and forgiving!

Cindi said...

Yes, he does know we are my friend annie says, "he knows we are dust," but he is not going to leave us that way and will eventually make us into the image and likeness of the first born of many brethren, his son, Jesus. It may be a long, tiring, painful journey...more so for some than others, but he will accomplish what he sets out to do.

I noticed the verses you posted were from Ezekiel. Last winter I felt led to read Ezekiel. My interest was piqued by the verse which contains the phrase, "all souls are mine" and from the fact that God asked Ezekiel to cook using human dung as fuel. I had never heard that before. I was very blessed by Ezekiel, even though there are some parts that are hard to understand and wrap your head around.

Thanks for stopping by...and thanks for commenting. This blog is just starting out and when people comment it lets me know somebody is reading :)
