Sunday, January 10, 2010

Stranger than we can think of....

The AOL welcome page gets me off track every morning....akin to the National Enquirer...with snippets of gossipy info and real news stories you might not find anywhere else...stories that just have to be checked out.  Well, this morning it was a story on the yahoo main page...very similar to the AOL Welcome Screen... that got me.  It was a brief snippet about the Kepler Telescope...a telescope that is scanning the skies of our universe, looking for planets...especially those planets that are similar to earth.  So far, the telescope has honed in on five planets....all too hot (by thousands of degrees) to support life...and one of the planets has the consistency of styrofoam.  It also found two mystery objects.  A snippet from the article follows:



WASHINGTON – NASA's new planet-hunting telescope has found two mystery objects that are too hot to be planets and too small to be stars.

The Kepler Telescope, launched in March, discovered the two new heavenly bodies, each circling its own star. Telescope chief scientist Bill Borucki of NASA said the objects are thousands of degrees hotter than the stars they circle. That means they probably aren't planets. They are bigger and hotter than planets in our solar system, including dwarf planets.

The new discoveries don't quite fit into any definition of known astronomical objects, and so far don't have a classification of their own.

Hmmmmm.....we've heard the (bullshit) story about hell being deep inside the earth...proven, of course, by that team of Russian researchers who found it while drilling on the ocean floor.'s true. Check it out HERE if you don't believe me.  But now...perhaps, instead of hell beneath the earth...couldn't it be on one of these mystery heavenly bodies?  My hairdresser in Nashville was convinced hell was in a black hole in space. 

It would not be the first time someone considered this....scientists have already discovered a planet that "literally fits the classic description of hell."   And when I googled to find the original "beneath the earth" article, a you tube link came up with a whole bunch of videos that prove the existence of hell.  Ignore these warnings at your own peril.  When you find yourself in flames that are 26,000 degrees Fahrenheit you will have only yourself to blame!!! 

Sometimes you just have to shake your head in wonder at how ludicrous the belief in a fiery hell really is....definitely worthy of a bit of sarcasm!! How it besmirches the image of our Father...who is love and light...and will have all come unto the knowledge of the truth!!!  But anyway...

All this rambling to simply post the quote from the article that caught my eye....

"The universe keeps making strange things stranger than we can think of in our imagination," Jon Morse, head of astrophysics for NASA. 

Indeed he does....


Sue said...

The consistency of styrofoam :)

Yay for crazy planets!!! :)

The whole hell concept shits me most because it stymies life here and now. Having an idea of a hell means that you ignore the greater hells going on in the world because they don't look so bad when compared to eternal roasting. Stupid concept.

Cindi said...

very stupid concept...
