Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Truth is Truth...

In a post entitled Truth is Truth, annie quoted the the following verse from the Quran....

Before He created life, the Almighty Allah declared, "My Mercy shall surpass My Wrath." Thus was it written.

- Hadith The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by Abu Hurairah

And then...since it was the list I mentioned in my last post, she added the following disclaimer....

no, i haven't converted to islam LOL.  this was in my inbox and i thought it was a good example that truth is truth no matter whose mouth it proceeds from.  it is the height of arrogance for christians to think that they and their judeo-christian bible have a corner market on truth.  who can deny that, in this instance, muhammad has voiced the same truth that james did when he wrote, "Mercy triumphs over justice"...?  i can place the full weight of my trust in the person of Christ without rejecting or denigrating those sincere men of other faiths.  peter learned this lesson with cornelius.  "then peter opened his mouth and said, 'in truth, i perceive that God shows no partiality.  but in every nation, whoever fears him and works righteousness is accepted by him'" (acts 10.34-35).  when cornelius was praying and heard from the Spirit, he had not, as of yet, even heard of Jesus.  though indoctrinated to the contrary, peter followed the Voice of Spirit he heard to reach out in the love of Christ and meet cornelius right where he was.  we see paul doing the same in acts 17, where he even quotes from two of the athenians' pagan poets and philosophers.  merely offered for consideration...   "for he himself is our peace who has made us one and broken down every wall of division between us" (ephesians 2.14)       blessed be - annie

In response, someone posted a page from a website with some of the hate texts from the Quran...from the perspective of conservative Christian party line belief about Muslims...all Muslims.  Not just the radical islamic whackos.  From the website....

 Does Islam teach hatred of non-believers?

Summary Answer:

There is no place in the Qur'an where Muhammad commands Muslims to love people of other religions.  By contrast there are at least three dozen verses that tell Muslims to fight against non-Muslims and about 500 that speak of their place in Hell.  They are from each period in Muhammad's life, scattered across 87 of the Qur'an's 114 chapters. 

To put this in perspective, nearly one out of twelve verses in the Qur'an says that Allah hates non-Muslims to the extent that he will torment them for eternity in horrible ways.  The Suras that make reference to this comprise about 95% of the Qur'an's total volume.  If Allah creates infidels merely to fuel the fires of Hell, then there is little reason for Muslims to believe that such lives are of any worth in this world either. 

Hmmmmm.....doesn't your normal run of the mill Christian believe that God will fuel the fires of hell with nonbelievers too? Including, of course, Muslims since they are not Christians. Doesn't your normal run of the mill Christian believe...wholeheartedly...that Jesus spoke more about hell than (take your pick)....1) any one else in Scripture. 2) any other subject 3) than he did about heaven. It has been said that Jesus was the greatest hellfire preacher that ever lived. Many Christians believe that. And using human beings as fodder to fuel  the fires of hell? ? Well, for Christians it's really just ssdd. It should not put off the majority of Christians since our God also consigns just about everyone who ever lived to hell. 

And don't Christians believe that their God ordered mass annihilation of the various groups of nonbelievers in the Promised Land...and other assorted and varied killings ranging from the mass slaughter of the 450 priests of Baal to the beheading of the 70 sons of Ahab.  And there are many, many more examples.  So Allah gets a bad rap for expecting his followers to kill nonbelievers ....but it's okay for the Christian God to order mass slaughter.  That's because he's the C..H..R..I..S..T..I..A...N God.  Makes all the difference in the world.  Right?

And following the examples from the OT, good Christians have killed the infidel in the name of their God down through the ages....


More tomorrow....


Logan said...

Christians complaining that the Koran says non-believers go to Hell? Boy that's rich!

Cindi said...

Yes...just another instance of the pot calling the kettle black. And for those who are Calvinists and believers in an eternal hell...a hell to which God has consigned the vast majority of his creation...to be tortured for eternity. As annie says..."pot, meet kettle."
