Saturday, July 7, 2007

Ripples From a Drop in the Bucket.....

On a new Christian Universalist board called The Beautiful Heresy where I am a member, the subject of worry came up. Actually, I brought it up since I have been having major “worry issues” of late. (fixated might be a better description) The POE (problem of evil) was touched on briefly in the thread and how it affects worry. Big issues for me. I am thinking now of a bunch of things. First of all, in my own small little world, there is the problem of Keith’s job and my total preoccupation with it….and my lack of belief that God will actually do anything about it. In spite of the fact that I love to sing lyrics that declare “Savior you can move the mountains….. my God is mighty to save.” I know that he can…but I have serious doubts that he will.

Fueling my doubts is the fact that there is so much evil in the world and he allows it to go on. Heck, if you are in the total determinist camp, the belief is that he ORDAINS the evil. There was a recent headline on my AOL main page which barely scratches the surface of the most horrendous thing that could happen in this life but it is chilling none the less….and the thought that God would allow this casts an even dimmer light of hope on my insignificant concerns. It was the story of a 7 year old girl who was disemboweled by the drain at a wading pool. This happens more frequently than you might imagine. I heard similar incidents when my kids were little enough to be going to wading pools and I kept a close eye on them. Google it if you think this sounds farfetched. It literally sucked most of her small intestines right out of her body. What remained had to be removed. She will never be able to eat normally again and will have to be fed through a port for the rest of her life. So why would he rectify my situation and save me from something that is totally trivial in light of this awful tragedy? Difficult question to ponder about a God who can move mountains.

Carol, also a member of the Beautiful Heresy board, posted the following in regard to alleviating some of the evil and suffering and pain in the world:

I have come to recognize my place. (Sometimes I remember, and sometimes I forget and have to re-remind myself.) My place is my small little circle of influence where god has had my paths converge with those in my life. ie: My place is to pick up that one piece of trash I see on the road, to lend a hand where I can, to give an encouraging word if I feel led to do so, to listen to my son and my daughter...etc. I can't change the world, but I can have a positive effect in my little circle. I strongly believe in the ripple effect and enough little ripples around the globes effects peoples' lives.

What an encouraging perspective in a world where suffering and evil abound!!!! It is all too easy to shrug our shoulders in resignation when we consider that even the most dedicated activist can barely causes a ripple……ahhhh…..but there you have it….enough ripples can change the world. Imagine a rock breaking the surface of the water, barely a stirring where it actually hits, but look at the ripples that emanate exponentially from that tiny plop.
Perhaps we should expand our focus from the initial effect an act of kindness or assistance causes…seemingly a mere drop in the bucket….and consider the potential of the ripples to change the world.

So today, perhaps I will look for opportunities to bless my small circle of influence with a kind word, a thoughtful act, bestowing a bit of mercy on someone who may be undeserving, some empathy and understanding toward someone sorely in need of it. I may not be able to alleviate world hunger, wipe out suffering and pestilence, or even change much about my own lot in life but I can perhaps initiate a ripple.

Thanks Carol for an inspiring bit of wisdom and encouragement.


Sue said...

I love your ponderings my friend and I agree with you. Knowing what he can do but doubting that he will - yes, when 7 year olds are disemboweled, just what is going on here? What sort of a god are we dealing with? Oh, I know he's a good god, but whatever he is up to is just beyond my comprehension.

Anonymous said...

Even though God definitely intervenes in the here and now I'm always intrigued by Paul (the apostle)'s statement "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." (Romans 8:18-KJV). Having tasted of the power of the "world to come" my own self makes me long for it, but also makes me want to bring as much of it here as possible. How much is possible? How much can we change things here? Probably a lot more than we think.
The challenge seems to be to keep believing against all odds. It does work, we believe and then we see the glory of God. I have seen God's mercy abound in the here and now, even though a lot of situations (like the afore mentioned) make you think "where's the mercy in that?".
There is always tons of hope in the knowledge of ultimate justice, knowing that everything will be made right in the end, but I'm sure that as we compassionately respond to desperate situations we'll find that God is very present in the middle of this chaos.

Cindi said...

Yes, he is a good God, I know that to be true, yet, as you said, some things are just beyond our comprehension.


Cindi said...

Thanks for a very thought provoking comment. Do you have a blog? Website? Are you a member of any yahoo groups? You seem to have a lot of wisdom to share. I agree with you when you say that God is present in all of these situations. I don't think he sits afar off watching from a distance. One of my favorite quotes is "Closer is he than breathing, nearer than hands and feet" He really is right here in the fray with us, although we may not always sense his presence, that does not mean he is not here.