Sunday, August 12, 2007

Determinism According to "Sims"

I posted this on EU but got such a kick out of it that I decided to post it here too....

Emily is revisiting a game she played nonstop a few years ago called Sims. It is a virtual reality type game where you make up people and families and they go about the business of everyday living. She was on it this morning...playing around. Last night there was a fire in the kitchen and a wedding and all kinds of stuff going on. She has a family based on ours...and I heard her up there this morning saying.......Matthew!!!!!!!!!! Apparently the virtual Matthew came into the virtual room where she and Ashley and Beth were sleeping, turned the music on loud and started to play Ping-Pong, waking everyone up....then Ashley got up and started to watch TV. I've never really been that interested in the mechanics of Sims but this morning it piqued my interest and I asked her if she controls all their actions of if they do whatever they want to do. To which she matter of factly replied, "Yea, I gave them freewill." I immediately started to laugh since so many conversations between Keith and I center around that very subject. She is oblivious to that ongoing theological discussion though so she was not poking fun at us or anything. She was earnestly explaining how Sims works. She went on to say that "you can put them on no free will, but it's not as much fun." Indeed :)

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