Monday, August 20, 2007

Eric Stetson and

Anyone who is interested in searching out more about Universalism, I urge you to check out the labors of Eric Stetson, a man in his mid twenties who is very, very active on the internet. He is a prolific writer and also owns a top quality website called This site is home for a compilation of many writings that explain, proclaim and exclaim this wonderful truth. The articles are listed by topics such as

The best texts on Christian Universalism and related topics

The Bible teaches a limited time of punishment, not eternal hell

The Bible teaches the ultimate reconciliation of all souls to God through Christ

Biblical terms, metaphors and parables often misinterpreted as a hell of eternal torment

The traditional doctrine of hell is absurd and incompatible with God's perfect nature.

The traditional doctrine of hell produces evil effects, not good

Historical origins of false teachings about salvation and damnation in Christianity.

Better ways of understanding God, Jesus Christ, the Gospel, and the divine plan.

Various arguments for universal salvation and responses to objections and other views.

God's unconditional love for all created beings.

The redemptive purpose of suffering and divine judgment.

Accurate Bible translations refuting the doctrine of eternal hell.

Under each topic there are a dozen or so articles listed in order of their length (from short articles to online book length articles) written by many well known, well respected Christian universalist teachers and preachers. There are testimonies, links, a yahoo group by the same name as the website, a newsletter, listing of churches that preach/teach this message (there are not a lot :) It is well worth checking out and I think you will be blessed whether this is something you are just searching out or something you have believed for a long time.

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