Saturday, October 13, 2007

Seeing double?

On John Frye’s blog Jesus the Radical Pastor, there was a a four part series of posts inspired by Scott McNight (of The Jesus Creed website ) and his latest book…. A Community Called Atonement. I haven’t read the book (or any of the other books this author has written) but the blog series about the book was really interesting. Another post on the blog was called Jesus: Do You See Who I See?

In it he talked about stereopticons.....where each eye sees a different image (in the "natural"an example would be the equipment the eye doctor uses to check your eyes...those huge lenses) but only one image registers in your brain. Because of your cultural and historical prejudices you do not see the other image. The example given...a group of Latin Americans and US Americans were shown two images simultaneously...a bullfighter and a baseball player. One image in each eye. The Latin Americans "saw" the image of the bullfighter, while the US Americans saw the image of the baseball player. There are huge spiritual similarities that can be drawn using this example, don't you think?? Anyway, the author of this blog goes on to give a spiritual example. Anyone know anybody that fits this description? Actually I think we all know a bunch of people who fit this description.....
Perhaps....not in quite the same way....I am one of these people......Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

A contingent of evangelicals (decreasing monthly I hope) are still holding to "the myth of objectivity." They seem to think and speak and write as if they are above the fray and are not at all culturally-conditioned. In the ghetto of their minds they find safe haven. As far as they are concerned, they come to the Bible with pure, uncluttered, unconditioned, unbiased, untainted minds. Thus, their pronouncements have the tone and inviability of bomb-proof certainty. You get the feeling that not only is the Bible inerrant, but each of their statements are, too. How can they be wrong since they are so "objective"? They, and they alone, have "the biblical position" on whatever the topic is at hand. They are clueless to the condescending arrogance they project. Nit-picking sawdust out of others' eyes as they haul logs in their own. It's silly really.

That reminds me of the well known saying “God said it, I believe it, that settles it.” Yeah right.
It wasn't until I googled it that I realized my great uncle used to have a collection of antique steroptiscopes along with the special pictures you viewed in them. Quaint...but I think I prefer U-Tube :)

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