Monday, February 25, 2008

Does Total Determinism Make God a Liar?

I think one mistake determinists make in their"determination" of those who don't think every thought, wink, blink, move, hiccup is predetermined is that those who believe in limited "free will" believe God is standing back, wringing his hands agonizing over his next move. "Oh...look what they did now!!!! "HOW will I EVER fix it?" Their God is so small. He has to have every single little detail figured out or he can't pull it off.

I've always liked my friend annie's quarantine idea. This life/realm/earthly existence is a quarantine for humans to be made into his image and likeness, to become immune to sin...and yet nothing that happens here can taint eternity. That would work for the total determinists point of view as well. You know...put us here...determine every single move in order to accomplish his purpose as quickly as possible...and perhaps even with as little pain as possible. There would be no wasted horrors or atrocities because of man's carnal nature...and no unnecessary acts of goodness that we might be moved to perform because of the spirit living within us, Unplanned acts of kindness might drag out the process of learning good and evil etc. He could manifest his sons in the most efficient manner possible. Sort of like training to be a navy seal. Intense, but efficient. I could buy that. I don't think I would necessarily like it...but I could buy that.

But then what does that do the Bible? What does that do the the hundreds of verses that would become nothing more than lies?The verses about sacrifice, the verses that declare we have some choices to make in this life and can resist his will. The verses that go on about the children of Israel and their stiff necked rebellions? It makes so much a lie. And I guess at the root of that is the fear that if God would lie about so many things (unless you have the total sovereignty decoder ring and understand that what he says is not necessarily what he means and that you need that relative/absolute understanding and that he says one thing but really means another...but that's okay...because he is God afterall and does not have to live by his own laws or according to his own nature) So if he would flat out lie about so many things...then how do I believe the promises of eternal life, universalism, that he will never leave me or forsake me? If scripture plainly says he did not command the children of Israel about burnt offerings when they came out of Egypt...but he really did....then how can I believe the other stuff? And that verse is of course one of many, many verses made into nothing but a sham by the God of total complete determinism.

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