Monday, September 28, 2009

Practical Mysticism—Humanity’s Next Step

I think it was on EU where someone recently posted an interview with Walter Starcke entitled Practical Mysticism—Humanity’s Next Step

Truthfully, I've never heard of Walter Starcke before.  I was vaguely aware of some of the books he's written...simply from seeing them over the years in bookstores etc.  He is the author of Joel Goldsmith and I, It’s All God, The Third Appearance, The Double Thread, The Ultimate Revolution, The Gospel of Relativity, and Homesick for Heaven.  You can read his rather amazing bio HERE

What drew me to this interview is the practical mysticism theme that has captured my attention of late...the in the world but not of the world kind of thing.  There are several intriguing quotes in this interview that I will probably elaborate on (more views from the peanut gallery) Also, on his web site, he has a year's worth of daily devotionals.  They are short and to the point....about a paragraph each.  As I "leafed through" the daily selections for September, some resonated...some did not but they all piqued a thought, a question or an opinion.  I will probably comment on a few of those over the next few posts as well. 

Right now, however, I have some everyday of the world household chores to do, errands to run and if I can really motivate myself...make it to the gym (for a change) 

More on my usual sporadic, here, there and everywhere fashion.  :)

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