Monday, July 14, 2008

Joel Goldsmith Quotes

On EU, several of the members are reading Joel Goldsmith's books. My friend, annie and her husband are reading the Infinite Way...and another of Joel's many books. We have an old sage on our list...not old as in years....but old as in wisdom. He also does not hide the fact that he is in his seventies. He is a blessing. He has studied the writings of Joel Goldsmith for several decades. In response to a thread on the list, he posted two of Goldsmith's quotes concerning world religions.

On one of Oprah's webinars, Eckhart mentioned Joel Goldsmith's writings. He said they were similar to what he "teaches" but uses Christianese....terminology that Christians would not find threatening or new agey. Following are the quotes. He promised to post more quotes of interest that he finds...and as he does, I will post them here....

From The Contemplative Life, chapter 1:

.....The goal of this particular Message is the spiritualization of consciousness which, in the Western world, is described as the attainment of that mind which was in Christ Jesus: Christ-consciousness or the transcendental consciousness. In the East, this same goal is called the attainment of Buddhahood, or the Buddha-mind, or Buddhi, but all those terms mean the same thing, because whether one receives enlightenment in the East or in the West, the result is precisely the same.

From Practicing the Presence, Introduction:

Every person who has known dissatisfaction, incompleteness, and frustration will some day learn that there is only one missing link in his entire chain of harmonious living. That is the practice of the presence of God—consciously, daily and hourly, abiding in some great spiritual truth of scripture, and it makes no difference which scripture: Christian, Hebrew, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, or Moslem. The Word of God, given to man through inspired saints, sages, seers, or revelators—this is what we need, in any language, from any country, just as long as it is a universal truth.

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