Thursday, July 17, 2008

Right Brain/Left Brain/The Fall?

As I was musing....Could this somewhat mysterious gland (the pineal gland) be an inactive, dormant link between the two sides of the brain? What if the "fall" in the garden....when humankind ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, is when we lost touch with our right brain? What if the adamic nature "dwells" mainly in the left brain while the right brain is a little used connection to the spiritual side of the alert stillness? To the christ within? So what happened in the Garden anyhow? We ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. If we were to guess the location in our heads where knowledge is processed, which hemisphere of the brain would that be? Where might we find wisdom? (Which is totally different than knowledge. I have learned in a very convincing way during my escapades with Beth that there is a vast amount of difference between wisdom and knowledge)

The article from Common Ground Magazine that I mentioned in my previous post goes on to say:

The right brain, totally present in the now, has holistic visions and wordless wisdom. It speaks in silence, images, intuition and dreams. It is a parallel processor and cares about emotional expression, context and synthesis. The right brain loves abstraction – it loves, in general. While the left brain is busy cutting the universe up into pieces, the right brain brings it all back together with open arms and a song. Whether we see a forest as a cash cow or a sacred sanctuary depends on which hemisphere we are using.

About the left brain.....

The left brain is the realm of language; it talks (incessantly), judges, lives in the past and future, thinks linearly and literally, makes lists and gets things done. It is a serial processor – logical, sequential, rational. The left brain gets good grades and all the rewards in our society.

Our left brains have been ruling the roost. We have become so left brained, so lopsided in our brain use, it’s amazing that we don’t limp and that our heads are still round! We have proven that the intelligence of the left brain is awesome. But it is a bit chatty, and doesn’t have a clue about context, peace, the meaning of life. While it keeps us busy, it doesn’t make us happy. As a result, collectively, we find ourselves in deep trouble. But simultaneously, we are on the verge of an evolutionary transformation, for the right brain has held its own and carried on quietly while being ignored. But times are changing.

Some other interesting things to ponder about the pineal gland. It has a lot to do with circadian rhythm....and with the production of melatonin. Melatonin has a lot to do with sleep. (thinking here of where scripture says the Lord God put Adam into a deep sleep. Never mentions that he woke from that sleep.) I fully believe that things in the natural (left brain/right brain/pineal glands) reflect deeper truths in the spiritual realm. Just stuff to ponder. And pondering is what I do best....

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