Sunday, November 9, 2008

Democrats vs Republicans

My friend Kathy used to talk about how she felt growing up in her large, quite conservative, very right wing, 5 point Calvinist family.  I remember her saying she felt like a Democrat in a houseful of Republicans.  I don't think she was really referring to politics because she seemed to lean pretty far to the right herself...but her words illustrate the point that most of the time Democrats and Republicans are as different as fire and water.  And both sides are suspicious...and critical...and even afraid of the other side.  The key word in the preceding sentence is "other."  That is a major trick of the egoic mind.  Singling people out as the "other" and then subtly or not so subtly turning them into the enemy.  The concept of the "other" is also key in Girard's theory of mimetic rivalry. 

It may have been from a link on the Jesus Manifesto blog that I came upon a site called Put Away Falsehood which dealt with rumors about Obama...the infantide claims...his ties to Terrorists.  It is a definitely pro Obama site.  But from there I found an unbiased site called Fact Check.  It is a bipartisan site that seemed equally willing to point out the discrepancies and less than honest innuendos (and flat out lies) in the Obama campaign AND in the McCain campaign.  It deals with many of the jabs each side has issued against the other.  Check it out for a balanced (though somewhat cynical) view of all the crap still circulating around the internet and via word of mouth communication. 

And speaking of crap, I came upon a treasure trove of it at a blog called "Solving Light." Oprah, Obama...and Tolle have all had top billing there of late.  Articles like

Sarah and Oprah - The Spiritual and Moral Contrast

The spiritual contrast between them is too stark, starker than that between the sun at high noon and midnight in a dismal swamp.

Hint...Oprah does not fare well in this contrast with Palin.



The Obamas Look to Oprah as Their “Global Role Model” Oprah Looks to Her Mentally Deranged Guru, Eckhart Tolle. Tolle Looks to His “Source,” an Exact Match for Satan

or how about


which seems to take a detailed look at the "blatant" narcissism of Oprah, Obama and Tolle.

I am guessing this guy did not cast his ballot for Obama.  He seems utterly fixated on the connection between these three...and seems to have pegged them as some kind of satanic trinity. 

I am going to post a bit more about writings because, truthfully, even the writers at Saturday Night Live cannot come up with stuff THIS good.  The sad part is that his writings are not sattire.  He is serious. He believes the stuff he writes and he wants to convince anyone who will listen to believe it too.  Just to pique your interest and to give you an indication of his fear and fixation, I will close this post with the picture he uses to illustrate yet another post called Oprah’s Guru, Oprah, and the Fall of Obama. He claims that Oprah

has welcomed with specificity, each and every lie the serpent fed to Eve in the garden.

AND she is passing it on to Obama.  You can see Eckhart in the background dressed in his cute little serpent suit...and he is, of course, the author of these lies.  Well...perhaps he is better described as the "reteller" of these lies since they are timeless.



Gee...I wonder if this picture was photoshopped?  Perhaps I should check out it's validity on Fact Check? 

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