Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ram Dass.....

I am constantly amazed at the wonders on the internet.  The places you can go...the things you can learn on the whimsical, unpredictable rabbit trails on which we can embark in that great kingdom called the world wide web.  Amazing.  Truly a miracle. 

This morning I started out by answering a post on EU.  It was a post from annie and in it she mentioned the "universal individualized."  Call me old fashioned (yea, like that is ever going to happen) but, even though I get the concept...and actually agree with it....I am more comfortable thinking of the universal (which sounds rather impersonal) as my Father.  annie sees God as her Father, too, by the way.  And this brought to mind a song I listened to last night on you tube, a song that is included in the hundred or so songs on my praise and worship playlist. (isn't you tube great?) So off I went to you tube to include the link to the video in my post.

When I signed on, there were a few video suggestions tailored for me, based on my previous you tube viewing.  One was Dennis Miller interviewing Ann Coulter, another was scenes from the movie The Passion (the scene with Jesus and the women caught in the act of adultery) and there was one from Ram Dass about suffering. 


It was only a few minutes long so I listened to it.  I liked interest in Ram Dass was piqued. So what else does one do with a piqued interest?  I googled him.  Predictably, one of the first sites that came up was the  wikipedia article about him.  Quite the interesting guy...

More to come

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