Sunday, June 14, 2009

All Over the Internet...

I've been all over the Internet this weekend....quite the trip....gathering quotes, web sites, links and more heretical ideas and thoughts to ponder.  I swear I could research (surf) 24/7 if I didn't have to work/eat/sleep. Still, I fit in as much research (surfing) as I can...and am always amazed and fascinated by what I find!!!  I wanted to post the link to a series of MP3 messages called "Understanding Our Incarnate State" by Gary Sigler, Barbara Symons and others. They are messages from a recent conference at the Clear River Teaching Center in Dalton, Georgia.

Today, while trying to get out of a trip to the gym with a walk around the neighborhood instead, I listened to the two messages by Barbara Symons.  I barely realized I was walking, in the hot sun, at high noon, up a big hill. The short walk turned into a much longer one than I originally intended to take. 

She said it was the first time she has spoken publicly in ten years...when she laid down everything spiritual in her life and started from scratch.  She is writing a book entitled, My Journey Out of Christianity and Into Christ. 

I think some of my friends on EU and SCT would really enjoy her message since there are shared experiences.  She is the moderator of Gary Sigler's Heart to Heart message board.  She also has a web site called Imortal Son

More about these messages to come....

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