Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Did We or Didn't We?

Pretty much what I found on the internet after about half an hour of looking was the rehashing of a blog post on the Huffington Post written by Paul Begala called Yes, National Review, We Did Execute Japanese for Waterboarding. I read some of the rehashes of the rehashes and have determined it would take a lot longer to research this that I want to spend doing so. I came across another article on and one other link if anyone feels led to look into it farther....but as far as this blog is concerned, I am going to let it drop here. I can't say with any certainty...without further research....if they did or if they didn't.

One thing about the use of "torture," that I think we can say with certainty is that upon pondering the WWJD question in relation to waterboarding or any other kind of similar abuse, the answer seems fairly obvious. For anyone interested in pursuing this farther...Wikipedia has an article that talks about the Tribunial where some of these Japanese war criminals were tried. There are several other articles I came across....

Torture Memos and the Bush Administration-Time to Move On

Torture Did Not Make Us Safer

Take note of the fact that these articles lean toward the left...

More tomorrow about the Christian view of torture....

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