Sunday, February 8, 2009

A New Earth Book Study....

There is a new book study starting up on The Beautiful Heresy Message Board.  Well, it is actually an old book study brought back to life....

We started to study Eckhart Tolle's book, A New Earth, back in the spring.  The board crashed and when it came back on line several months later, it seemed to be off the beaten path for most of the people who previously hung out there. There have been very few posts since then.  Some members of Dena's Sacred Cow Tippers yahoo group were interested in Tolle's writings (especially Dena) so we all decided to resurrect the old study "from the dead" and begin anew.  There are the remains of what we posted last spring.  We are going to add to them...

I'm not sure how many will participate, but I know my bud, annie, will...and Dena...and a few others from her list...and probably a few from EU. 

You have to join the board (a quick process) to post...but anyone can read the book studies.  Several other studies took place there.  (Girard's, I See Satan Fall Like Lightning, Tom Talbott's, The Inescapable Love of God and The Language of God by Francis Collins) 

If you are interested, please join us.  If you happen to have any trouble joining the board (it seems to have some glitches and quirks) please contact me via email ( or by way of the comments section on this blog and I will forward your issues to the owner of Beautiful Heresy.  He will fix you right up. 

Hope to see you there :)


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