Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Whirlwind Bible Tour...

Keith and I arrived home from our Corpus Christ/San Antonio vacation in the wee hours of the morning. I slept until 9 am...very late for me....and have not done a whole lot since then. I've caught up on a few things but have mostly just hung out here at home today.  I haven't posted in a few days so I am bringing this post out of the queue...

I came across a most unusual site...even considering that I am always coming across a lot of "most unusual sites."  This particular one is called The Whirlwind Bible Tour. It's a bit hard to describe really.  The author of the site says it is:

A whimsically humorous and brief overview of the Bible.

It is a summarized, satirical, tongue in cheek, tad bit irreverent look at the Bible...complete with illustrations that illuminate, poke fun at, get to the gist of the Bible.  It's table of contents on the main page are as follows...

Earth: The Early Years
Introduction - Genesis 3

My World's Fallen And I Can't Get Up!
Genesis 4 - Genesis 50

Moses: The Great Escape
Exodus - Deuteronomy

War And Peace (Repeat)
Joshua - 1 Kings

Decline And Fall Of The Israeli Empire
2 Kings - Malachi

Jesus People: The Early Years
Between the Testaments - The New Testament

Check it out for a most unusual summary of the Bible.

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