Friday, November 27, 2009

The Recycle Your Faith Website

Check out the Recycle Your Faith Website. Self described thusly:

Short and compelling videos are posted every Monday at Each video encourages spiritual exploration through candid interviews, thought-provoking topics, and stories of people attempting to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. Various perspectives are presented and topics are left unresolved. It is our hope that these videos challenge you to question your faith and perhaps recycle it into something more closely resembling your personal experience with Jesus.

I watched ten or so of the high quality videos..most of which are under 3 minutes...but with lots of thought provoking ideas to sit up and pay attention to. It would probably not be a web site to recommend to very traditional Christians because they talk about all kinds of things, including the inerrancy of the Bible, homosexuality, leaving the institutional church and other controversial topics.

There are also two interviews with Paul Young (of The Shack fame). One is a snippet...3 minutes or so...and the other is a longer interview. About 17 minutes. It is a very candid interview about his past. I didn't know how much of his real life story paralleled Mack's story. Some of the statements that impacted me the most were..

It took me fifty years to wipe the face of my father off the face of God.

Shame destroys your ability to distinguish between an observation and a value statement.

He talks about his visit to a prison in Edmonton.

This gal comes over, falls into my arms. She is weeping. She's weeping and her tears are running down MY face. And she whispers as she's weeping, between her sobs, "do you really think Papa is fond of me?" And I said, "Honey, he's especially fond of you." and she said, "That's all I needed to know."

Check out this video...check out the site. And for heaven's sakes, if you haven't read The it.

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