Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Manifestation of the Sons of God

A while back...a month or so.. Keith read an excerpt to me from one of the recent studies in Preston Eby's series on Revelation.  (Volume 79) It described a vision by Pastor John Hinkle which seemed to be about the beginning of the manifestation of the Sons of God.  In the vision it was happening all at the same time, all over the world.  Suddenly, simultaneously.  All flesh was seeing the Glory of the Lord....together.  Although it would be nice to have it happen that way, I am thinking it might not be so easy.  My friend Byron (who frequents several of the same cyber hangouts as me) said it this way:

I have never held to a belief in the rapture or eternal torment but I must say it is VERY VERY difficult to let go of a belief in a future 'second coming'. One reason may be because for us there was NEVER any downside to His return - just an obliteration of all the bad stuff and the establishment of the kingdom of peace (no tears pain ect.). Going from that to an understanding that we are to trudge further down this path of gradual change while still full of literal pain and anguish is very, I can't say enough to express - VERY disappointing. I'm inclined to adjust my vision now to the reality that this may be the way to see the vision fulfilled - one heart at a time, one life at a time, the drying of all tears - one tear at a time (damn - this is a lot more work that the other way!!!)
  - Byron

Indeed it is....Gradual change.  Wiping away one tear at a time....

Someone posted a link today on a writing in the New York Times about the miracle of iodine.  The article discussed how wiping out iodine deficiencies has the potential to raise the world's IQ by a billion points.  On a smaller scale, prenatally, an iodine deficiency in the mom is thought to lower her child's IQ by 10 to 15 points. 

A bit of googling took me to the Canadian organization mentioned in the article. They are working to wipe out deficiencies of micro nutrients....hidden hunger.  One statistic on the site really floored me. Four cents worth of Vitamin A a YEAR can save a child from going blind. FOUR CENTS worth.  That is mind so little can do so much.  Many of us would not even stoop to pick up a nickel on the street...

So I am wondering if my friend Byron is right...about the way the kingdom will come?  Is this group and others like them helping to usher in the kingdom bit by bit...tear by tear..slowly, painstakingly, baby step by baby step.  One life at a time.   It seems a mere pittance of relief in the vast, seemingly endless ocean of suffering but could it gain momentum and have a cumulative effect? 

I think I like the first way the best...but I've got this feeling that it is not going to be as easy as that.  In the beginning, God told us to tend the Garden and subdue the earth.  Do you think he really meant it?

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